
SHA-256 Hash Generator

World's simplest hash tool
Free online random SHA256 generator. Just press a button and you'll get random SHA256 digests. There are no ads, popups or nonsense, just an awesome SHA256 checksum generator. Press a button – get SHA256 hashes. Created by cryptogeeks from team Browserling.
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SHA256 Format and Results
Number of SHA256 digests to output.
Hex glob for the generator.
For example, a glob "1a2*ff" will generate hashes that start with "1a2" and end with "ff". Glob patterns work only with hexadecimal digits.
SHA256 Output Radix
Specify your own radix for SHA-256. Valid radixes are 2 - 36.
Customize SHA256 Output
Put this character after every checksum.
Output SHA256 in lower-case letters.
Output SHA256 in upper-case letters.
Output SHA256 in random-case letters.

What is a SHA-256 Hash Generator?

learn more about this tool
This tool generates random Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA-256) checksums in your browser. SHA256 is one of the second generation SHA hash algorithms that are built using collision-resistant cryptographic compression functions. The initial values for SHA256 are generated using the method described in FIPS Publication 180-4. This hash function is optimized for use on x86 32-bit architecture as it uses 4-byte words. The value "256" in SHA256 is the message digest size in bits, which is 32 bytes. With this utility, you can generate as many SHA256 hashes you need in any format, base, and case. The format can be specified using glob pattern matching syntax. For example, a glob "*00ff*ff00" will generate hashes that contain "00ff" and end with "ff00". Supported bases are all bases from 2 to 36. Supported cases are lowercase, uppercase and randomcase. Hashabulous!

SHA-256 Hash Generator examples

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Four Random SHA256 Hashes
This example calculates four random SHA256 message digests. Each digest is 256 bits in length but when printed as hexadecimal, it's only 64 characters in length.
c4de1f0c46e01576810740c9242097cbab1f8bd0137a63d94f2362e7bdf682bd 537be065258c9e6343190a023e5aef2c5d8fb3ad0caadfe939a40896f83522a4 d654734e541bafc140b86983cf3e3f2b347eac2024a35af194a7d58ade70f616 615f6c63ad7c83483ed34300035a471ce4a60d3fae7b84cfffc3abe811c85003
Required options
These options will be used automatically if you select this example.
Number of SHA256 digests to output.
Hex glob for the generator.
Output SHA256 in lower-case letters.
SHA256 Glob Pattern
In this example, we use a glob pattern to generate six SHA-256 hashes. The glob pattern is "*c0de*c0ffee*" that constructs a hash with the patterns "c0de" and "c0ffee" somewhere in the hash (can be at the start, middle or end).
e50a9cda1c6069c0de44fe1af033254bd6360c0ffee29c6802d509c8a3759e31 6f12cf9eb0f202c0dee3441ea6b331c4a9355b5c0ffeeee3ec8e3175cfcb924d d1df92cb5abfac0deecf781147b66102fdb8a4363c0ffee68b9f608ff720f069 4de919fbada7b876011c0ded5a3cf4415cfb11116c0ffee032f94afd4035ef5c 2253ae5bc20213cd5a369bc0de593cae40d8cc8049f51dc0ffee0322a55c8d66 dead4f6c3d76b14bbc0de0a49cdc8480695af7c3372c0ffeea73df079144ce5a
Required options
These options will be used automatically if you select this example.
Number of SHA256 digests to output.
Hex glob for the generator.
Output SHA256 in lower-case letters.
SHA256 in Base2
In this example, we change the output base to binary and set count to 3. That creates two SHA256 values that consist of 256 zeros and ones.
1101000100101101000100011010010011010001000001000100110101000001111110100110110101000000000101010111011010010100111011111011110011100000011101101111010101001110011111010001100011111101001001001101110001111110101110011101110110011001101111101010011000001000 1010111100101011011100100110110101101111000001111011011011011110110010011100101110000001011101000011110011000101100101001010100010111111100101111011000011000001101101000001100000100111001000100010111101000110100100000111010111110101110100101010010100100111 1111110010111001000111011000111101100001010111100101011100011111110000000100111010000111011110000000011000110101010010010001010110001100000101101110101100110101111100000111000010101011111010011001110100111001100001100011101001100101010111100010101101010010
Required options
These options will be used automatically if you select this example.
Number of SHA256 digests to output.
Hex glob for the generator.
Output SHA256 in lower-case letters.
Pro tips Master online hash tools
You can pass options to this tool using their codes as query arguments and it will automatically compute output. To get the code of an option, just hover over its icon. Here's how to type it in your browser's address bar. Click to try!
All hash tools
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Calculate Whirlpool Hash
Find the Whirlpool hash of a string, file, or image.
Generate Random Whirlpool Hashes
Generate random valid Whirlpool checksums.
Generate Whirlpool Collisions
Create two files with the same Whirlpool digest.
Reverse Whirlpool Checksum
Decode a Whrilpool hash and find its file or string.
Calculate MD2 Hash
Calculate MD2 hash function of strings, files and images.
Generate MD2 Collisions
Create two files that have the same MD2 checksum.
Calculate MD4 Hash
Calculate MD4 hash value of strings, files and images.
Reverse MD4 Hash
Decode MD4 hash and find the string that matches it.
Generate MD4 Collisions
Create two values that have the same MD4 message digest.
Reverse MD5 Hash
Decode MD5 checksum and find the data that matches it.
Generate MD5 Collisions
Create two strings that have the same MD5 hash value.
Calculate MD6 Hash
Calculate MD6 digest of strings, files and images.
Reverse MD6 Hash
Decode MD6 digest and find the data that matches it.
Calculate SHA0 Hash
Calculate SHA0 message digest of text, files and images.
Create Random SHA0 Hashes
Generate random valid SHA0 checksums.
Calculate SHA1 Hash
Calculate SHA1 hash function of strings, files and images.
Calculate SHA2 Hash
Find the SHA2 checksum of the given input data.
Calculate SHA3 Hash
Compute the SHA3 digest of binary or text data.
Create Random SHA3 Hashes
Generate random valid SHA3 checksums.
Create Random SHA3-224 Hashes
Generate random valid SHA3-224 checksums.
Create Random SHA3-256 Hashes
Generate random valid SHA3-256 checksums.
Create Random SHA3-384 Hashes
Generate random valid SHA3-384 checksums.
Create Random SHA3-512 Hashes
Generate random valid SHA3-512 checksums.
Analyze a Bcrypt Hash
Show the version, cost, salt, and hash of a bcrypt string.
Calculate a Bcrypt Hash
Compute the bcrypt hash of a password.
Create Random Bcrypt Hashes
Generate random valid bcrypt checkums.
Calculate CRC8 Hash
Calculate CRC8 checksum of the input data.
Calculate CRC16 Hash
Calculate CRC16 checksum of the input data.
Calculate CRC24 Hash
Calculate CRC24 checksum of the input data.
Calculate CRC32 Hash
Calculate CRC32 checksum of the input data.
Calculate CRC64 Hash
Calculate CRC64 checksum of the input data.
Calculate NTLM Hash
Calculate NT LAN Manager password hash.
Create Random NTLM Hashes
Generate random valid NTLM hash values.
Calculate MySQL Hash
Calculate the hash of a MySQL database password.
Create Random MySQL Hashes
Generate random valid MySQL password hashes.
Calculate MariaDB Hash
Calculate the hash of a MariaDB database password.
Create Random MariaDB Hashes
Generate random valid MariaDB password hashes.
Calculate Postgres Hash
Calculate the hash of a PostgreSQL database password.
Create Random Postgres Hashes
Generate random valid PostgreSQL password hashes.
Calculate Mongodb Hash
Calculate the hash of a Mongodb database password.
Create Random Mongodb Hashes
Generate random valid Mongodb password hashes.
Calculate BLAKE Hash
Calculate BLAKE checksum of text, files and images.
Create Random BLAKE Hashes
Generate random valid BLAKE hash values.
Calculate BLAKE2 Hash
Calculate BLAKE2 hash code of text, files and images.
Create Random BLAKE2 Hashes
Generate random valid BLAKE2 message digests.
Calculate BLAKE3 Hash
Calculate BLAKE3 hash code of text, files and images.
Create Random BLAKE3 Hashes
Generate random valid BLAKE3 cryptographic hashes.
Calculate Keccak Hash
Calculate Keccak hash value of text, files and images.
Create Random Keccak Hashes
Generate random valid Keccak checksums.
Calculate SHAKE Hash
Calculate SHAKE digest of text, files and images.
Create Random SHAKE Hashes
Generate random valid SHAKE fingerprints.
Calculate Adler32 Hash
Calculate Adler32 checksum of the given data.
Create Random Adler32 Hashes
Generate random valid Adler32 hash values.
Calculate a Hash of a Hash
Calculate a hash of another hash, that is hash1(hash2(data)).
Generate Random Hex Values
Create a random hex string of any length.
Generate an SFV File
Create an .sfv file containing checksums of the given files.
Verify SFV Checksums
Check the checkums of files fron an .sfv file.