
SHA1 Hash Generator

World's simplest hash tool
Free online random SHA1 generator. Just press a button and you'll get random SHA1 checksums. There are no ads, popups or nonsense, just an awesome SHA1 digest generator. Press a button – get SHA1 hashes. Created by cryptogeeks from team Browserling.
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Results and SHA1 Format
How many SHA1 hashes to generate?
Custom format for generating SHA1s.
For example, if the format is "abc*000*", then it will generate SHA1 checksums that start with "abc" and have three zeros somewhere. The pattern only works in hexadecimal output base.
SHA1 Base
If you selected custom SHA1 base, then enter it here. (Bases allowed: 2 - 36.)
SHA1 Output Options
Place this symbol between SHA1 hashes.

What is a SHA1 Hash Generator?

learn more about this tool
This tool generates random SHA1 hash values in your browser. The SHA1 digest is one of several cryptographic hash functions. It's often used to verify that a file has been unaltered. It was developed by the NSA (US National Security Agency) and published by the NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology). It's 160 bits in size or 40 hex symbols in length (one hex symbol is 4 bits). This utility also lets you enter the number of SHA1 checksums to generate, set a pattern for SHA1 checksums (such as require all checksums to begin with five zeros) and change the output radix (base) to bin, oct, dec, or custom. Additionally, if you require an upper case or lower case output, we have options for that as well. Hashabulous!

SHA1 Hash Generator examples

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Six Random SHA1 Hashes
This example calculates six random SHA-1 cryptographic hashes and converts them to uppercase. Each checksum is 40 digits long and is encoded as a hexadecimal number.
D7329D209426CC3CAF298FC6CBC2B52B6A707BFC C091FF6DA9B0C728D6452D04AA9DFE4F01B3BED7 5C792BB6B981D80BBA66A88AAE2A2A71DCF4F451 CCB227DEBB1C308B91349F25D118FCC1F4FE8FB7 BBE5A2DB50AD202DECDFD0384418E507ADDC468F 4115F51E28BEBA1E2887C09CC06F1EE204B1130D
Required options
These options will be used automatically if you select this example.
How many SHA1 hashes to generate?
Custom format for generating SHA1s.
SHA1 That Matches a Wildcard
In this example, we generate SHA1s that match the given wildcard format. The wildcard is "00000*fffff*00000", which means generate hashes that start and end with five zeros and have five f's in between.
00000a8e90c974625f33fffffb07bde0cd800000 00000b946537d9f64fffff52c607882b6ee00000 000005fdaa01a7c505fffff04c87419442200000 00000e11d9d034968fffff149ad6a15aab300000 00000d987f25e800fffff0cb9159a6b64d900000 0000007f7ec71efffffc34c552c6502f2e300000
Required options
These options will be used automatically if you select this example.
How many SHA1 hashes to generate?
Custom format for generating SHA1s.
Octal SHA1s
In this example, we create valid SHA1 digests and convert them to the octal radix. To do it, we first generate them as hex numbers and then convert them to the octal number base. To represent 160 bits in the octal base, we need 53.3 characters, so we round it up to 54 octal characters.
046365111030004437047317162437420644322213415150441325 010062777015336064204450667266043126156644467146305655 030355674105223630267157406020055031443271705564572645 116457214151420434235754564221365253167051405704255736 034121111603236222441567371150475367544070361167012343 044046247725431041442506735610736443161332262706436551
Required options
These options will be used automatically if you select this example.
How many SHA1 hashes to generate?
Custom format for generating SHA1s.
Pro tips Master online hash tools
You can pass options to this tool using their codes as query arguments and it will automatically compute output. To get the code of an option, just hover over its icon. Here's how to type it in your browser's address bar. Click to try!
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Quickly generate random valid SHA224 hash digests.
Quickly generate random valid SHA256 checksums.
Quickly generate random valid SHA384 fingerprints.
Quickly generate random valid SHA512 digests.
Coming soon These hash tools are on the way
Calculate Whirlpool Hash
Find the Whirlpool hash of a string, file, or image.
Generate Random Whirlpool Hashes
Generate random valid Whirlpool checksums.
Generate Whirlpool Collisions
Create two files with the same Whirlpool digest.
Reverse Whirlpool Checksum
Decode a Whrilpool hash and find its file or string.
Calculate MD2 Hash
Calculate MD2 hash function of strings, files and images.
Generate MD2 Collisions
Create two files that have the same MD2 checksum.
Calculate MD4 Hash
Calculate MD4 hash value of strings, files and images.
Reverse MD4 Hash
Decode MD4 hash and find the string that matches it.
Generate MD4 Collisions
Create two values that have the same MD4 message digest.
Reverse MD5 Hash
Decode MD5 checksum and find the data that matches it.
Generate MD5 Collisions
Create two strings that have the same MD5 hash value.
Calculate MD6 Hash
Calculate MD6 digest of strings, files and images.
Reverse MD6 Hash
Decode MD6 digest and find the data that matches it.
Calculate SHA0 Hash
Calculate SHA0 message digest of text, files and images.
Create Random SHA0 Hashes
Generate random valid SHA0 checksums.
Calculate SHA1 Hash
Calculate SHA1 hash function of strings, files and images.
Calculate SHA2 Hash
Find the SHA2 checksum of the given input data.
Calculate SHA3 Hash
Compute the SHA3 digest of binary or text data.
Create Random SHA3 Hashes
Generate random valid SHA3 checksums.
Create Random SHA3-224 Hashes
Generate random valid SHA3-224 checksums.
Create Random SHA3-256 Hashes
Generate random valid SHA3-256 checksums.
Create Random SHA3-384 Hashes
Generate random valid SHA3-384 checksums.
Create Random SHA3-512 Hashes
Generate random valid SHA3-512 checksums.
Analyze a Bcrypt Hash
Show the version, cost, salt, and hash of a bcrypt string.
Calculate a Bcrypt Hash
Compute the bcrypt hash of a password.
Create Random Bcrypt Hashes
Generate random valid bcrypt checkums.
Calculate CRC8 Hash
Calculate CRC8 checksum of the input data.
Calculate CRC16 Hash
Calculate CRC16 checksum of the input data.
Calculate CRC24 Hash
Calculate CRC24 checksum of the input data.
Calculate CRC32 Hash
Calculate CRC32 checksum of the input data.
Calculate CRC64 Hash
Calculate CRC64 checksum of the input data.
Calculate NTLM Hash
Calculate NT LAN Manager password hash.
Create Random NTLM Hashes
Generate random valid NTLM hash values.
Calculate MySQL Hash
Calculate the hash of a MySQL database password.
Create Random MySQL Hashes
Generate random valid MySQL password hashes.
Calculate MariaDB Hash
Calculate the hash of a MariaDB database password.
Create Random MariaDB Hashes
Generate random valid MariaDB password hashes.
Calculate Postgres Hash
Calculate the hash of a PostgreSQL database password.
Create Random Postgres Hashes
Generate random valid PostgreSQL password hashes.
Calculate Mongodb Hash
Calculate the hash of a Mongodb database password.
Create Random Mongodb Hashes
Generate random valid Mongodb password hashes.
Calculate BLAKE Hash
Calculate BLAKE checksum of text, files and images.
Create Random BLAKE Hashes
Generate random valid BLAKE hash values.
Calculate BLAKE2 Hash
Calculate BLAKE2 hash code of text, files and images.
Create Random BLAKE2 Hashes
Generate random valid BLAKE2 message digests.
Calculate BLAKE3 Hash
Calculate BLAKE3 hash code of text, files and images.
Create Random BLAKE3 Hashes
Generate random valid BLAKE3 cryptographic hashes.
Calculate Keccak Hash
Calculate Keccak hash value of text, files and images.
Create Random Keccak Hashes
Generate random valid Keccak checksums.
Calculate SHAKE Hash
Calculate SHAKE digest of text, files and images.
Create Random SHAKE Hashes
Generate random valid SHAKE fingerprints.
Calculate Adler32 Hash
Calculate Adler32 checksum of the given data.
Create Random Adler32 Hashes
Generate random valid Adler32 hash values.
Calculate a Hash of a Hash
Calculate a hash of another hash, that is hash1(hash2(data)).
Generate Random Hex Values
Create a random hex string of any length.
Generate an SFV File
Create an .sfv file containing checksums of the given files.
Verify SFV Checksums
Check the checkums of files fron an .sfv file.